Sunday, January 02, 2005

29 Hours and Counting...

It's now been approximately 29 hours since I've set foot outside the confines of my home, due to this nagging cough/cold/sore throat, and I've pretty much spent the entire day laying on the couch and watching Sex and the City (SATC), compliments of my husband, who made a special trip to Best Buy this morning to purchase SATC Season Six Part Two for my viewing pleasure.
I can't believe I get so wrapped up in this fictional television show. But I can't lie, I've spent the last hour pleading with Carrie to leave Paris and go back to her life in New York. It's pathetic, I know.
I do think the show had a positive message though, in that you can search for life and/or love in extravagant places, and you can measure self worth in the value of your material items, but the important things in life are most often the people who have been there for you all along and the experiences that have shaped you along the way.


On a much more somber note, CNN Headline News just confirmed that more than 155,000 people have died in the tsunami tragedy. One Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand. I can't even fathom that number. The ironic thing is that the total destruction and loss of life occurred there while we were busy here playing in the snow.
It makes me wonder about the victims - who they were prior to December 26th and the kind of impact they might have made if this event had not occurred. These people were just living their lives one minute, and then with no warning whatsoever, they were fighting to stay alive or to save their loved ones the next.
It's scary to think about what little control we actually have in life.


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