Always the Bridesmaid...
Baby showers at work are the worst.
We had one this morning. It's probably the 6th one that we've had since I've been working here.
Inevitably, creepy coworker is going to turn to me midway through the shower and say in a voice loud enough for EVERYBODY to hear, "I think we know who's next."
ohh Courtney...this is why I am an avid reader of your blog (among a multitude of other reasons, of course): your ramapage for a child-free life is so consistent and defiant...
LOL - it's not that I don't want a baby one day; it's just that I hate when people feel it necessary to ask when/why/how I will go about it. STOP IT! LOL
The road to babies should be your own private thing. STOP ASKING EVERYBODY!
Baby showers at work huh?
I bet you got some good cake out of it.
lol...linny gets that all the time
if it makes you fell any better people want me to have another kid...tere crazy I tell you CRAZY! lol
have a good weekend
Kt Mae
You know I in full agreement. For boring bridal showers too...for this I get called gay. :o(
I couldn't resist commenting....
I feel the same way about it, though I am guilty of asking you that BUT I ment nothing by it. HA.
What's up with people throughing their kid a first birthday party and only inviting adults? I don't understand it. I don't want to go to a babies birthday party to sit on the side and watch their family get drunk and try to dance with the birthday girl. I don't get it!
And another thing why does Martha SUCK BALLS!? Why Courney, why?
Love, KARA
PS. you're a biotch, how was that?
LOL Kara - I'm not sure why that is, but she's only getting worse it seems :) Have fun with that!!!
And A+ for trash talking. Proper use of the word biotch. I give it a 10. A 10 :)
And also - Kara: I totally didnt take offense to the baby question. I don't even remember it, actually :) No worries - it's just that creepy coworker asks me EVERY DAMN DAY when I'm having a child. ANNOYING!!!
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