Monday, March 14, 2005

Several Things From This Weekend

1) I'm having buyer's remorse. We bought a new TV and now I feel like we're living in excess, and I should find a charity and donate something...Kevin hasn't given it a second thought other than to comment on how much better it is to watch TV on a big screen. I think the people look distorted now, but whatever.
2) I'm sunburned - for the first time in a long time. I never burn, but I did on Saturday. And it wasn't a normal burn. It's totally collar bone area didn't burn, but my left ear did. Not my right ear, though - just my left, which looks great. It was worth it though. Nothing better than tanning next to a pool, with a friend and some celebrity gossip magazines...
3) I finally went to see "The Wedding Date." It was cheesy and predictable and I loved it. There's this quote where Dermot Mulroney's character says to Debra Messing's character, "I think I would miss you even if we had never met." It was so sweet, and I'm such a sucker for romance that of course, I teared up. I've come to realize that I'm also cheesy and predictable...


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