Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Someday I want to be...

As you can probably tell from my last post, I've been doing some evaluating recently. Evaluating myself and how I can become a better person...anyway, this is a non-comprehensive list of some changes that I feel need to be made in my life so that I can be a more positive person.

-I want to measure my success in terms of relationships and happiness instead of by monetary worth and material posessions.
-I want to be more open with my feelings, but in a tactful way - In the past, I've had the tendency to hold in my emotions until I'm so annoyed or upset that I just go off. That's clearly not healthy.
-I want to be more accepting of opposing opinions without feeling attacked by them.
-I want to be able to defend my beliefs without attacking people who feel differently than I do.
-I want to be more certain of the value of my own opinions, in that it's o.k. for my beliefs to differ from those of friends/family, and neither of us has to be wrong. Life's not black and white.
-I want to read more and watch TV less.
-I want to get up earlier and enjoy my morning, rather than rushing around like a mad woman and arriving at work still half-asleep and with clothes on backwards and inside-out.
-I want to read less about celebrity gossip and more about religion/politics/foreign affairs/the environment.
-I still want to make time to read about celebrity gossip :)
-I want to really listen to people, and know that sometimes I'm just there to listen and not to form opinions, label situations, or offer advice.
-I want to stop being so reserved.
-I want to act silly whenever I feel like it.
-I want to have the confidence to say things that others might deem goofy or stupid without fear of being judged negatively. I care way too much about what other people think.
-I want to start, and finish, writing a book. I can't tell you how many times I've written a few chapters and given up because I doubt my ability to write an interesting fictional story.
-I want to allow myself to be vulnerable in all aspects of life.


At 5:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. It takes guts to allow yourself to be inspire me, Co.


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