Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Today was such a bad day. It started out great - sun shining, people smiling - but halfway through the day, I'm interviewing a claimant, and my boss comes up to me and asks me where my husband works. I tell her, and she goes on to say that a plant in Texas City had a fatal explosion, and that she's not sure which plant it was but that I should call immediately and check on Kevin. Definitely not what I want to hear. So I called and checked on him, and it turned out that he was fine, but the plant down the street from the one where he works had an explosion, and at least 100 people were injured and 12 people were killed in the accident. How horrible.
It really makes you realize just how little control we have. Life happens in the shortest seconds, and it only takes one to change you forever. Scary...


At 7:49 PM, Blogger berly02 said...

Why is it always 12 when it concerns us?
My thoughts are with you always.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

Thanks, Berle - you're so sweet :)


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