Monday, May 09, 2005


It is my belief that I'm now bordering on obsessive when it comes to working out. Yesterday, there was a storm in the Houston area. This was not just any storm, though - it was reminiscent of something you might have seen in the movie, "The Perfect Storm." It came complete with rain, hail, thunder, lightning, rose colored skies, power outages, tornadoes, etc. Good sleeping weather.
But being that it was mother's day, and my cousin and I had cheated on our diets and had brownies earlier, we decided that not even The Perfect Storm was going to keep us from our workout. So we moved the furniture out of my living room, and we did some pop dance video. It was a sight to see us trying to keep up with this choreographed dance that we had never done before. Especially because part of the video was salsa dancing. We were literally doing more laughing at each other than actually working out. We then tried my Abs tape, which was right out of the 80's - these people had the 80's sweatbands and leotards. By this time, we're giggly because we're still picturing each other trying to salsa dance, and despite our best attempts, we can not get past the sweatbands and clothing on these people. Very retro. We then decided that our best bet was to brave the tornadic winds and run a few laps around my neighborhood. What the hell were we thinking???
As we're about halfway around the block, fighting the rain, and getting tossed around like rag dolls, we begin to realize how crazy we are. The only problem with this is that we are about a third of a mile from my house at this time, in the wind and rain, and we still need to get back home. They say hindsight's 20/20, but I'm pretty sure most people would have had the foresight to realize our thunderstorm workout was a bad idea. Obsessed people don't have this foresight, evidently. So as punishment for our stupidity, we had to endure a 1/3 mile trek back to my house, fighting the wind and rain the entire way. Needless to say, we learned our lesson. We did, however, get a killer workout...