Monday, May 09, 2005

You Were The Last Good Thing I Ever Saw

I talked to one of my friends from high school today. We talked for a really long time about everything that's been happening - life, love, career, etc.
It made me realize that I haven't accomplished nearly what I had hoped I would by this point in my life. Somewhere along the way I forgot about my dreams, and settled for a career that I don't love, in an area that I'm not crazy about. Somewhere along the way, so-so became acceptable. When I left Santa Fe, I was planning on going to law school. And I went off to A&M, and I did well. And then I got accepted to law school and freaked out. I was scared of giving up a middle-of-the-road career, because I doubted my ability to do better. That's not a good reason.
I feel like I've gotten too comfortable in too many aspects of life recently. And I seriously need to change that...


At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You were the last good thing I ever saw." Is that Matchbox Twenty?

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually no - but good call on it being a musical quote - it's actually Alkaline Trio. That was a shout out to Felicia :)

At 3:26 PM, Blogger The Shib said...

Then get on it sister!


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