Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Spank That Child!!

Little girl is in the office today with her mom.
Now I'm not sure if mom is just oblivious to the fact that her child is an effing brat, or if she is just over trying to fight that fact.
But this girl was a hellion, I tell you!
She was running around the office, stepping all over the aged and disabled, swinging from the countertops (which are already loose as it is) and screaming at the top of her lungs.
So I look over at our non-confrontational security guard who is staring at the ground and avoiding eye contact with the girl and her mother.
Finally I have my fill, and tell the demon child that she needs to have a seat next to her mother. I guess at this point, reality strikes mom, who exclaims to her daughter, "If you don't behave, I'm going to tell that police officer (who's in the corner still AVOIDING EYE CONTACT - just fyi) on you.
Little girl straight up looks at her mom and says, "No you won't. I'm not going to be good."
And that's all there was to that.

Hellion: 1 Mom: 0


At 10:03 PM, Blogger mindtwister said...

Wow! I think that little girl severely needs a time out!

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

What was once discipline when I was growing up is now considered child abuse.

That kid is lucky I wasn't her parent there. She'd have been beaten to within an inch of her life...

No, not really... But you get what I'm talknig about.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Pheebs said...

omg. See post at phoebefabulous referring to how I believe that people should get licenses to have children. Some people should just NOT reproduce. (ahem--I'm lookin at you, Britney...)

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Travelin' PT said...

I am sick of parents who don't provide discipline to their children. Children are not the boss, but apparently many parents out there allow this to happen. I had to physically remove one child from equipment at work after her mother yelled at her from the stationary bike she was riding as she was trying to rehab a bum knee. Of course the mother couldn't control this child or the other 3 that were w/ her. I have no problem disciplining other people's kids.

Pheebs--I've always believed in selective reproduction or some general stupidity test people have to take in order to determine if they're fit to be parents.

I'm w/ Carolyn--my children will not act like that.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

bad parenting, that's all I can say. They child knows what it can get away with. That mom isn't going to do nothing but yell at that child. How sad.


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