Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This Year in Retrospect (Let me warn you: it's cheesy)

So my theme for 2006 was to focus on and appreciate what I have - especially the people in my life, and not to want material things so much. In many ways, I've failed on the material part of it, but I do feel like I have a true understanding of what matters most: God and the people who love you.
I've been really trying to focus on the little things: like when I made dinner tonight, and Kevin immediately jumped up afterwards to do the dishes, without me even asking. He's a good man. I never used to give him the full credit that he deserves for stuff like that. He's generous and kind, and I thank God for him each day.
And I think about my family and what each of them means to me:
My dad who is always kind and caring; my brother who's always funny and laughing; my mom who's always warm and motherly (ironic, I know), Felicia who's just like a little sister to me.
And my girls: Amy, who's always giggly, Allison who's always got a funny spin on things, Lisa who's always adventurous, Berly who's always there for you with a kind word, Shana who's always sensible and down-to-earth. I love those girls.
And I can't forget my girls at work: Karen who is sarcastic and oh-so-funny, Gloria who's always real, and Rita who keeps me positive. What would I do without them?
I thank God for my preacher, Nathan, who's taught me so much this year. And for his wife, Melanie, who's so loving and open. I truly believe that God specifically placed them in my life to help me become the person I'm supposed to be.
It's been an excellent year. I'm surrounded by people that I love, and who make me better. No amount of material things could ever compare to that.
Sometimes, I think it's good to just say how you feel. And that's how I feel right now.


At 7:02 AM, Blogger honkeie said...

I am not very godly or religous but I do believe materializm is one of the many down falls of man.


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