Thursday, January 04, 2007

Themes for 2007

So I'm opting out of the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing for 2007, and instead focusing on general themes for the year. I've narrowed it down to three major areas in which I want to grow:
1) health - not so much focus on being "thin," but rather being "healthy" physically and spiritually
2) respect - understanding that each person is different with a different way of doing things
3) stillness - just being more laid-back in general. I'm such a high-strung person. (as an afterthought - I replaced my original theme "patience" with "stillness" after I received Berly's warning to NEVER pray for patience - lol. Thanks for the heads up, Berle!!!)

So yeah - wish me luck on that...


At 6:57 AM, Blogger honkeie said...

I resolve to have a resolution some time in the near future, maybe.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger berly02 said...

Oh no!
I hope you aren't actually praying for patience.
God has a tricky (yet effective) way of teaching you patience when you pray for it.
Believe me on this one . . .

At 9:13 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

LOL Berle - I'm not praying for patience - never ever directly ask God for patience!!! But I am trying to - on my own, without God's direct intervention on this subject, hopefully - be a more patient person in general. Maybe I should re-word that to say "laid back" instead...

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

I'm so laid back...I'm thinking I need to work more on the high strung part. LOL


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