Friday, June 17, 2005

Always Something

I was just reading a story on about the abnormal amount of earthquakes in California this week. Evidently, there was an earthquake off the coast of San Francisco, two earthquakes in Northern California, and one in Southern California within the past 4 days.
So now I wonder quietly to myself, "Is this the best time to take a Southern California excursion?" The weather's not going to be that great and there's now an impending threat of earthquake. My Texan self would freak out in the event that the earth actually started shaking around me.
But you know, it would be just my luck to live my entire life in this state, to deal with all the crap that Texas has to offer, and then to finally leave for four, count 'em, four days only to encounter THE BIG ONE in California.
To go or not to go. That is the question...


At 11:21 AM, Blogger The Shib said...

Are you seriously considering not going?

Youve got to be kidding me.

I will kill you dead.

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

Damn Lisa - that was harsh :)
You're more fierce than the earthquake!
No, we're still coming, barring any crazy natural disasters that affect our ability land safely in san diego - including but not limited to earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, rockslides and volcanoes :)


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