Sunday, June 05, 2005

Not So Bad

So the belly button piercing wasn't nearly as bad as the cartiledge piercing. It was actually pretty quick and painless, the way I like it.
The most bizarre thing was that there was a 9-year-old girl there who had a belly button ring also. That's a bit young...
And when I was laying down to get the piercing, the lady asked how I wanted it: fast or slow. WHAT? I think she saw the horror on my face, because she quickly followed with, "some people like to feel the pain."
What the hell? What kind of freak is like, "pierce me, and make it hurt." I'm the person sweating bullets in anticipation of pain, asking for sedatives, and having to hold back tears before a needle is even shown.
Obviously, I wanted it fast.
And it was. Props to you, piercing lady, for your swift movements and calming voice.
And also, shame on you College Station ear cartiledge piercer - you pierced my ear as slowly as possible, and now I believe that to be an intentional act. You bastard.


At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what in the hell possessed you to pierce your belly button? Aren't there more interesting things to pierce ?

At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was my quarter life crisis act...the belly button piercing is as liberal as I go...

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, just checking


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