Friday, September 30, 2005

1-4-3, 1-4-3, 1-4-3

I was thinking last night, while text messaging one of my friends, about how things are constantly changing with technology. Who would have dreamed 10 years ago, that we would be able to send pictures and emails via cell phone? Not I.
Who would have dreamed 10 years before that that we would have pagers the size of a quarter where you could send coded messages?
The pager era was the best...everybody had codes that we sent via pager: 1-4-3 meant "I love you," 1-8-7 was a message of hatred, 9-1-1 meant "call me back ASAP," etc.
I used 9-1-1 for everything. When I saw one of my friends' boyfriends at the mall with another girl, when I got braces and had to borrow silver jewelry from my friends to make sure that my jewelry matched my braces, when I accidentally singed my hair with my overheated blowdryer. Those were clearly 9-1-1 level emergencies!
Things were so much simpler then, and I'm now on a mission to bring back those trends...heads up for the 9-1-1 text messages coming soon to a cell phone near you!


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was un-aware of the 1-8-7 msg
that would of come in handy

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Ha ha ha. I used to have a pager and totally remember all the funky little codes. We were such DORKS!!

You know what's really funny? The first thing I thought of when I read your title was, The Waltz. I know technically it's 1-2-3 but shit, same difference.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Pheebs said...

ahhaha soo retro! I actually stumbled across an old picture that had my old pager in it...such nostalgia!

I didn't how about 187 either...I know why 143 is 'I love you' but don't know how 187 figures...?

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn pager got me in trouble. I think it caused me to go to jail. I f you know wat I mean.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

RIGHT - I had forgotten about that!!! You got a page, said you had to leave and ended up in jail. The blame definitely lies with the pager :)
But it's all good - it's part of the learning process...

And I'm not exactly sure how 1-8-7 came about - I think it was some police code or something...not really sure about that one though.


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