Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Outta Here...Europe or Bust

I know I've been a total downer for the past few weeks. Things have definitely not been upbeat lately, and this hurricane business is not breaking that mold.
I'll probably be out of touch for awhile, as we're under mandatory evacuation orders set for tomorrow. Nice. That means hours and hours of sitting in traffic. My favorite.
It's been horrible trying to figure out what to take with me. So far I've picked sentimental things: quilts that my grandma made, wooden things that my grandpa made, pictures that could never be replaced, bibles and wedding memorabilia. Oh, and of course, my Sex and the City DVD's and laptop. I will not be without Carrie and Miranda, if I'm in danger of losing everything else, damn it!
In true boy fashion, Kevin's picked clothes and shoes to take with him. He's such a woman, I swear! The boy does have more shoes than anybody I know, though.
The news just reported that this thing might be a Category 5 when it hits here, meaning that we will, at the very least, get new carpet and a new roof out of this deal. SWEET.
I keep reminding myself that the material things can be replaced. They totally can. So why does it suck so bad to pick out what goes and what stays? This blows...


At 5:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are ya heading to? I am heading up to BCS for a hurricane party at the chicken. Let me know if you two want to relive college memories while watching the wind blow.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

The chicken sounds better than where I'm going to be...anybody heard of Brownwood, TX? It was the only hotel room I could find in all of Texas. And this is one large state, damn it :)
Good luck to everybody who's affected by this. I'm taking my laptop, so email me if you get a chance.

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Pheebs said...

You'll be all right, sweetie! And especially if you have Carrie and Samantha to keep you company...your husband, your health, and your Sex and the City DVD's is all one needs to survive through any drama! ;)

I'll miss your posts and I look forward to reading you again! Take care and be (very) safe!

At 10:45 AM, Blogger berly02 said...

Why aren't you coming to my house?????
Don't spend money on a hotel.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Courtney...I'm so sorry that you're going to have to go through this but I definetly want you to be safe. Please update periodically so that we know you're okay!

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

Thanks guys, for you words of encouragement :) They're much needed and much appreciated!!! I will definitely be posting as much as possible...
And Berle - you are one of the sweetest people I know in this whole hurricane battered state, and I so appreciate your generous offer, but there are just too many of us, and too many furry, four legged creatures (and one flying squirrel, named Pyrup - it's Felicia's) tagging along with us for us to invade your house.
However, hold that thought, because we won't have electricity or water for weeks if the hurricane hits here, so I may need to come up and stay for a bit (and shower!). I took the longest bubble bath ever today in preparation for the weeks to come. I smelled like Bath and Body Works threw up on me when I finally drug myself out of the tub!
Again, thanks to everybody for the words of encouragement. I have the best blog buddies ever!!!


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