Monday, October 02, 2006

Weekly Blogger

...yep, that's me. I've turned into a weekly blogger. So much going on though, I never realize that I've gone an entire week without blogging.

-Had to give another training session this morning at work. I'm starting to like giving training, which is unexpected and out of the blue. Once the utter fear and butterflies subside, I actually get a rush from it, which is odd.

-Went to a revival at a local church last night and had a great time. It really brought to light the fact that sometimes we get so caught up in doing church work that we forget the reason behind that work. Interesting thought.

-Had my performance evaluation at work today, which stressed me out all weekend long. And then after all that worrying and stress, everything turned out fine. I don't know why I continue to freak out over evaluations, but that's my personality I guess...

-Got the email that gave me the website for my 10 year high school reunion. Had mixed emotions on that: 1) Can't believe I'm getting so OLD!!! LOL 2)It's so funny to see everybody's descriptions of their lives (including my own) - you never see people say, "I have a job that I hate and spend the majority of my time there, allowing it to suck the life right out of my body, get home too tired to truly enjoy my spouse, and spend the majority of my time watching television shows that really don't matter." Nope, it's all butterflies and sunshine in the descriptions of our lives (including my own), which is awesome. Turns out every member of my graduating class (including me) has the perfect job, the perfect spouse, the perfect car and the perfect pet. We're one lucky group of people I guess :)


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Old? My 20 YEAR reunion was three years ago...

Talk about depressing.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I used to get the same way about evaluations. Oh wait... I still do.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Pheebs said...

You must post more often, if for no reason other than keeping me awake at work!

Speaking of high school reunions...if everyone at that place weren't such big snobs I'm sure my own would be coming up pretty soon too...

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

I hope you have more fun at your reunion than I did at mine. Mine was a waste of money. There's not been enough change in people during 10 years to warrent the kind of money you have to pay to see them again.

By the way. Did you see Berly's prego pic? She's so cute.


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