Sunday, June 10, 2007


I'm such a lucky girl; I'm surrounded by people (friends and family) who constantly inspire and amaze me.
This weekend, I went to College Station to see my girls, Kimberly (Berly) and Shana. I walk into Berly's house and I'm immediately greeted by Kimberly, her two cats, her beautiful daughter, Alivia, and her awesome hubby, Alan, who is one of the coolest guys ever. They're perfect together, and her house feels like a home. It's one of those places where you walk in, and feel completely welcome. And at one point, while we were eating lunch, I just looked at them and felt so proud, which is bizarre, I know. But here they are, these awesome people who seem like they were put here to be Alivia's parents, although they're so much more to so many people. Amazing.

Then we go see Shana, who is seriously one of the strongest, most solid people I've ever known in my life. She's balanced and fair, and never seems to be afraid of anything. And she's pregnant with not one, but two little ones. My little Shana's having TWINS!!! I got to see her house, which is almost finished and is going to be so nice. And again, I felt proud seeing all that she and her husband, Chad, have accomplished.

I think it's so mind-boggling when I go to College Station, because I lived there for four life-changing years. And I have these memories of that time that will always be with me, so I never expect for things to have changed when I go back to visit. And when I go see these girls who lived in the dorm with me, and they have houses and husbands and babies, it's like visiting a time warp or something. But in such a good way!

Oh, and I have to give Alivia her shout out. Seriously, I was with them most of the day and she didn't cry one time. She smiles and makes noises, and seems completely content just hangin' out. And she's Alan's little mini-me. Looks just like him!! She's a cutie...


At 12:25 PM, Blogger berly02 said...

She's must have started missing her aunt co because an hour after you left came the fussiness.
Then yesterday I saw it, a teeny tiny little tooth starting to poke out of her gums!!!

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

AWWWWWW. Berly really needs to post some new pictures. You need to fuss at her!


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