Friday, September 12, 2008


And p.s. I was just reading and saw where they said that Galveston residents who decided not to leave would face "certain death."
Is it ok to tell people that? That they're facing "certain death?"
I mean, they're not, right? People have survived much worse. Granted, it's not an environment where I'd like to be, as is evident by the fact that I sit watching the storm from the security of a hotel room some 150 miles off the coast. But it doesn't mean that everybody's going to die!!
I really hope they're just being dramatic. I've actually befriended several of the homeless people in G-Town. Especially one guy - George, who walks around barefoot regardless of the temperature/season, and who talks to everybody and waves every time I see him (which is usually every few days). He walks the island, watches the water, waves at people, and even joins this other guy who always stands on the seawall, waves an American Flag and gives the peace sign to passing cars. They're like "peaceful protest" buddies or something.
Jeez - I really hope they're ok...


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