Thursday, September 09, 2010

Winds of Change

Wow. It's been a really long time since I blogged.
I don't know what it is about writing stuff down that's been tough for me lately. Maybe it's because for me, it isn't real until I write it.
And for me, life has been unsettled for a really long time.
Maybe that's it.
Bouncing from relationship to relationship. Taking crap from people that I shouldn't be taking. Making excuses for people that I shouldn't be making. Not knowing really who I am or what I stand for anymore. Not taking into account what I need or deserve. Getting less than I should from people.
I'm not a liar. I will not sit and intentionally write things that aren't true. I will not try to make my life seem better than it is. And writing this stuff down means that I have to face the reality of the life that I've been living.
Yep, maybe that's it.
I feel like it's time to change this. All of it.
For a long time, this blog has been devoted to silly, anecdotal stories about things that I encounter randomly.
And maybe it's time to make it more about me. Maybe even a tool to help me get where I need to be.
No guard up. No edit button. No defenses.
Yep, maybe it's time.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger The Shib said...

this is really honest entry. me likey.
Im sorry to hear about the man woes. Its never easy.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Kenna said...

I like this Courtney. Although, I realize it's an older entry, it's still valid.
Change is scary. We know that. But, we changed to get where we are. Why be afraid of changing to get to where we want to be?
You are still the best friend and someone I will always enjoy sharing thoughts with.


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