Monday, April 30, 2007

Bad Puppy!

Tonight, I was forced to come to the realization that if Kevin and I have children, I will have to take on the role of disciplinarian.

What led me to this conclusion, you ask?

Well, my first clue was when I walked into the living room only to hear Kevin "disciplining" Allie (our puppy), by saying: "We're going to have to discuss your disobedience, little one."

Allie's response? Nothing. Because SHE'S A DOG. And she doesn't understand the words "discuss" or "disobedience."

So what she heard was "Whah Whah Whah Whah Whah Wah, Little One." And this evidently led her to believe that she was getting a treat. Which led her into the extreme tail-wagging. Which made Kevin laugh. Which got her off the hook.

Way to be tough!


At 3:44 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

men are never good at that stuff anyway. :O)

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL..It's just the opposite with Andy and me! I just can't discipline Tex or Rye!! So, when Andy has to do it, I have to hide my eyes b/c I can't watch it!! I'm such a softie!!!!


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