Sunday, April 01, 2007

This Week:

1) Brother Craig has a recording studio where he does part time recording. He recently recorded a band that wrote a song about David Arquette. The band sent the song to David Arquette, who was so enthused about the prospect of his very own song that he actually went to watch the band when he was in Houston this week. Craig was at the show also, so he got to meet DA, who was evidently arm wrestling people for beer. RANDOM. But fun!!

2) The SSA softball tournament was supposed to be this weekend. We've been practicing for weeks now, got official office uniforms, got our lineup in order, woke up Saturday morning ready to play only to find out that a STORM had invaded us! We're talking thunder, lightning, wind, tornado watches - the works. But it only rained long enough to ruin the tournament. It's beautiful and sunny today. Suck.

3) I put on my "Martha Stewart" pants and decided to take on home projects this weekend. I planned to paint the bathroom and dining room yesterday. I proceeded to start on the bathroom only to remember how much I hate to paint. I'm still debating on the dining room: to paint or not to paint??? I'm thinking not.

4) I got the best present EVER from Kev today. He's taking me to see Cirque du Soleil in a few weeks. I know it's probably just a glorified Barnum and Bailey's but I don't care. I'm a geek and I could not be any more excited!!! Come on April 29th!!!

5) Maybe it was the mood created by the storm yesterday that caused me to suddenly want to watch scary movies...who knows? Because I HATE scary things. But I spent the afternoon watching the Discovery Channel's "A Haunting" and now I'm petrified. Why it is that I'm 27 years old and don't have the ability to separate TV shows from reality, I'll never understand. My husband can do it. He watched the same show and he's fine. I'm looking over my shoulder everywhere I go. This is why I don't watch scary movies!!!


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