Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's Official...

I have no self control. Nope.
Yesterday was my going away party at work.
I was determined not to cry. DETERMINED.
(Aside: I believe myself to have a reputation for being emotional, and was trying to go out with a smile so that people wouldn't remember me as my evil alter-ego, Sobbing Co.)
I had literally done all I could do to prepare for my party. I had pep-talked myself time and time again: "I'm not going to cry. There's no need to cry. Why would I cry? This is a good move for me."
I had done the pre-party cry so that I had no pent-up emotions left to express, and had even declared my theme song for the day to be "Not Gon' Cry" by Mary J. Blige (Killer 90's flashback!!!).
I was ready...or so I thought.
Because this is how the party went:

Manager Shirley: (giving good-bye speech) "Courtney, we just want you to know that-"
Courtney: (sobbing uncontrollably breaks in) "NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO GO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME LEAVE! I WON'T DO IT! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!)

DAMN IT, Sobbing Co. We talked about this!
It didn't go as planned, to say the least...

NOTE: the events in this post have been over-dramatized for your reading pleasure


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