Wednesday, November 30, 2005

200th Post

Recently, I've noticed things about myself that are unique. I use the word "unique" and not "weird" to make myself feel less like a circus freak and more like an independent woman...
For instance, I have a single curly strand of hair that has plagued me for as long as I can remember. It's on the right front part of my head, and that single strand of hair is always unhealthy and frizzy. It's troublesome, and I spend the majority of my mornings straightening and conditioning that one strand of hair.
My right arm is bigger than my left. This stems from the fact that I used to be a pitcher. But that was almost 10 years ago, and still my right arm is not normal. For this reason, and for the fact that the left side of my booty is bigger than my right, I always take pictures from the left. My hair's better from the left, my arm's smaller from the left, and my booty's bigger from the left. I'm hot from the left side. Not so much from the right...

And also, as is evident from today's title, this is my 200th post!
I'd like to thank my friends and family, who provide me with countless quirky blog topics. To the crazy neighbors, who leave me constantly amazed with their random yard signs. To the Homeowners Association and the politicians who piss me off enough to talk shit on my blog about them. And to the readers. Ahh, the readers. Where would I be without the readers? You inspire me in ways I could never have imagined in my pre-blog world. You leave me comments that make me want to push on and persevere, even through the intense writer's block days when all I want to do is watch TV. You make me want to be...a better writer.
You. Complete. Me.


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are an excellent writer, I am envious. I try to write a blog that makes sense and I try to use big words to make me seem smarter than I am but it doesn't work! I must have slept during English because I don't know how to punctuate correctly so all of my sentences either run together or I put too many commas in and it doesn't read smoothly.

I don't know what made me go off on that tangent? Congratulations on your 200th post. You're my hero!

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats, I look foward to many more!

At 11:44 AM, Blogger berly02 said...

What would my mornings be like without your blog?
Sad. That is what they would be. Sad.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

Aww - you guys sure know how to make a girl feel good :)
You guys are so good to me!!!

At 5:08 AM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Well, the human body is "Asymmetrical" so what you're describing as "unique" is pretty common...

and you're on my "every morning" list of blogs to read too... Keep on Blogging!


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