Friday, October 06, 2006

"Friends" Quotes of the Day

Sometimes, you need some funny Friends quotes to help pass the day :)

Joey: (watching old videos of Monica): Some girl ate Monica!!! "
Monica: Shut up, the camera adds 10 pounds. "
Chandler: so how many cameras are actually on you?

Ross: Your money's mine Green.
Rachel: Your fly's open Gellar!!

Joey to Chandler: Okay, man, I didn't want to bring this up, but Chandler is the stupidest name I've ever heard in my whole life! It's not even a name! It's barely even a word. It's kind of like chandelier...but it's not. It's a stupid, stupid, non-name.

Chandler: All right, you will notice that I am fully dressed. I, in turn, have noticed that you are not. So in the words of A. A. Milne, "Get out of my chair, dillhole!"


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

One of the greatest shows ever created...beside Sex and the City of course!


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