Back to the Real World
So I've had the past week off from work to teach Bible School at my church.
I have to say - this was probably my favorite VBS experience ever. We had great kids, lots of learning and loads of fun. Not a bad week off.
But working with the kids and having as much fun as I had has reinforced my desire to want to teach. Like, for a living.
I know this sounds crazy. Most people cringe at the idea of teaching full time. And it definitely would not mean a pay raise if I changed careers. Working for Social Security is not fun, so they have to pay well to keep people on staff.
But in addition to teaching VBS this week, I also set up interviews with the local teaching certification program, took and passed my TASP test, and am preparing to take the teaching certification content exam to teach social studies at the high school level.
I have to say, just making a plan for change is helping me to get through the day tomorrow at Social Security. Because the job has gotten to that point - literally taking ONE day at a time, and focusing all attention on not quitting on the spot. I do mentally quit each time I take a break, however. I tell myself twice a day that I'm not going back into my office. I QUIT! And then I down my head, admit defeat - because, well, I have to pay my bills - and walk back into my own personal version of career hell.
(Is it bad to say that after coming off a week of teaching kids at Bible School???)
So anyway - cross your fingers for me that I can find a job and actually have the guts to go through, this time, with a career change.