Life's Ups and Downs
So the past two months have not been the best of times for me for many, many different reasons. I think the bad times started with the storm and snowballed from there. Every week, it seems like something new happens. That's just life - sometimes it goes that way. But my point is that I've been looking for a silver lining.
And I think I finally found it:
Because it's the times that are the hardest that you find out who your true friends are. They're the people who show unconditional love and acceptance. Those who call to check on you or text you at random times just to say hi. Those who make you laugh about things and always always have time to squeeze you in. Those who never make you feel like they're "squeezing you in."
Life's funny that way too. Because sometimes the relationships that you always expect to be strong and solid don't turn out to be that way. People move on. People change. And that's ok. But realizing that makes those special, lifetime friends even more special. So this is my thank you to "my girls." You know who you are and I love you!