Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life's Ups and Downs

So the past two months have not been the best of times for me for many, many different reasons. I think the bad times started with the storm and snowballed from there. Every week, it seems like something new happens. That's just life - sometimes it goes that way. But my point is that I've been looking for a silver lining.
And I think I finally found it:
Because it's the times that are the hardest that you find out who your true friends are. They're the people who show unconditional love and acceptance. Those who call to check on you or text you at random times just to say hi. Those who make you laugh about things and always always have time to squeeze you in. Those who never make you feel like they're "squeezing you in."
Life's funny that way too. Because sometimes the relationships that you always expect to be strong and solid don't turn out to be that way. People move on. People change. And that's ok. But realizing that makes those special, lifetime friends even more special. So this is my thank you to "my girls." You know who you are and I love you!

Bright lights - not so much

One of the benefits of living in a small town is that when election time rolls around and people in the city are standing in long lines to vote, I'm zippin' in and out of the county building in a new record - eleven minutes. That's counting the time that it took me to get out of my car, walk in to the county building, give them my ID, sign the voter roll, cast my ballot and walk back to my car. A whopping eleven minutes. Pretty sweet.

In other news - I'll be leaving for San Francisco on Friday! Awoohoo!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh no...

The fat girl that lives inside of me overtook me again...drug me right into Marble Slab and ordered a white chocolate cookie dough combo. Bitch.
I had to run/walk extra this afternoon and skimp on dinner to compensate.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Life in the Big City

My job has now relocated to League City, about 25 miles north of Galveston.
We're in this temporary office - two conjoined spaces, one that used to be a clothing store and one that was a dance studio.
On the upside, the dance bar and mirror-lined walls were left behind after the dance studio went out of business. And the kid in me has been contemplating using my lunch time to break it down on the dance bar.
I'm thinking that by the time we get back to Galveston (if we ever go back), I could have a long and lean dancers body. SUH-WEET.
Or this could just offset the fact that our new office is right next to a Marble Slab, and I have been using my afternoon breaks to hightail it over to the ice cream shop and get a sweet cream / cookie dough combo treat. Grub! The fat girl in me is ever so happy about this turn of events...
In other news, I'm super excited about the fact that I'll be heading San Francisco in t-minus two weeks and counting to see my Shib-a-roo!!! Fun times!!!