Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Beauty of a Saturday

I'm in such a weird mood today.
I had to work overtime today, which means that I had to get up at 5:50 this morning in order to be in Angleton by 7:00. I do this Monday - Friday with no problems, but Saturdays are meant for sleeping in. Overtime days at work are so nice though - there's no angry mob demanding checks now, no screaming kids running around the lobby, and we get to dress however we want. It's the only day that I actually like my job...
After I got off of work, I had this crazy burst of energy, so I came home and did the laundry, swept and vacuumed the floors, cleaned the bathrooms, did the dishes and de-fuzzed the couches (we have a cat that sheds like crazy). My body then revolted and I had to give in and take a nap, but evidently my brain was still in go-mode, because I just lay in bed with the same panicky feeling that I used to get during finals at A&M. So I sat there, resting but not really, thinking of all the things that I could be doing with my time. Finally I came to the realization that I was wasting my energy trying to nap. (Isn't that a funny statement? How much energy should it take to nap?) It's such a bummer when that happens.
I swear, there was a period of at least three weeks during finals of my sophomore year when every time I would try to sleep, I'd start thinking of all the things I needed to be doing for school and work, so I'd panic and jump up out of bed to study. Then in the mornings, I'd be so tired from not sleeping that I'd have several cups of coffee, which made me shaky and even more panicky. So when I'd try to sleep again, I just couldn't do it because I was too busy shaking and panicking. It was such a vicious cycle.
So now, I'm in a shopping mood. That means in one day, I've been in a working mood, a cleaning mood, a relaxing mood, and now a shopping mood. I'm guessing this is what is meant by the term "moodswing." But you know, I really think I have my boss to blame for this. If I didn't have to get up at 5:50, I'm pretty sure I'd still be in my pajamas right now. And really, isn't that what Saturdays are all about?


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