Saturday, January 29, 2005

It's Not Your Fau-au-ault!

Anybody who ever watched "Friends" probably remembers Phoebe's song that went, "Smelly cat, smelly cat. What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat. It's not your faauu-aauu-ault." Possibly one of the greats of our time...
Anyway, my brother now has in his posession the actual cat that inspired that song.
There was this really sweet cat living outside his girlfriend, Felicia's house, and Craig fell in love with it, though he despises all other cats. So the longer Craig was around it, the more he wanted to take the cat in. Finally, my parents and Felicia's grandparents agreed to let him have the cat, so Craig and Felicia took the cat for its shots and flea treatment yesterday. Evidently, either the shots or cat food didn't sit well or the cat's nervousness from his new surroundings set him off, because there was a stinch in Craig's room like no other last night. It was so gross - and constant. I swear the cat was on auto mode or something, because each time the smell would lighten up, it's my belief that the cat's stinch sensor went off, and he was like, "Oh, time to do it again! Yippee!" At one point, Craig was gagging, Felicia and I were laughing, and my mom was spraying air freshener throughout the room with her shirt over her nose. It was a good time.


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