Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chaka Khan...CHAKA KHAN

- I fell off the diet wagon last week. Or, as Lisa put it, I LEAPT from the wagon and did a big fat belly flop on to the ground. I ate chips and cheese dip, followed by mini-Snickers and M&M's. It was shameful, and this is my confession.
- I have that Whitney Houston song, "I'm Every Woman," playing on repeat in my brain. But really it's only the part that goes, "Chaka Khan...I'm every woman...CHAKA KHAN!" You get 'em Chaka - you are every woman, girl.
- I once had a fish named Chaka Khan. It was not very active and it died without drawing even the smallest bit of attention to itself. Come to think of it, it might have been dead for several days before I noticed it. And it didn't have big hair. I'm now thinking it was poorly named. But in tribute to the legend and to my sad little fish, I've posted a link to the Chaka Khan website in my links section, for all of you who share my interest. Don't be shy; you know who you are.


At 5:29 AM, Blogger Katie said...

don't feel bad..i have never been able to diet. i want to eat what i wont when i wont. so fuck i say..if people dont like it then dont look....

At 6:27 AM, Blogger berly02 said...

The wagon speed past me.
I had no hope of getting on.
Thus creating what I am today.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger The Shib said...

I love it when you quote me on dietables.

Its like Im the diet-failure guru.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Girl, I've been 'trying' unsucessfully for the last 3 weeks. I need to get my crap together before the Holidays and that's only 2 weeks away.

P.S. Fish kind of weird me out.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just ate 3 pancakes with butter and syrup for dinner! But Berly and I walked 3 miles so that makes it all better. Surely I burned off the calories.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

When I was back in highschool back in the days, I was in a marine biology class and one of the assignments was to keep our salt water fish alive throughout the year and keep the salinity and bateria levels correct so they could. Let's just say that my tank was cursed. We did everything right but the fish just died. The first one was a starfish that every day would discard one of it's legs until it died. Then finally we got this clown fish that we named "gus gus" from cinderella. It did finally survive until the end of the semester but it like to play dead. Every time we went into the lab where all the fish were and we turned on the light it would freak out and float to the top of the water and act as if it were dead. We would take our measurements and leave and would turn the light off and wait. We would look through the window and the fish would be swimming around again. I don't know why your comment made me think of this but I just had to post it.


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