Thursday, November 10, 2005

Reward For The Arrest of the Coward

Upon moving into my house, I noticed that some man down the street from our subdivision had a wooden sign in his yard that said, "A Coward Poisoned My Dachsund. $1200 Reward for the arrest and conviction of the coward." I was initially sad for the man, who was obviously distraught over the loss of his dog. However, I quickly learned that the sign had been in the yard for more than two years, which is a long time to leave that sign out in the yard.
So then, the hurricane hit here and blew the crazy sign away. It was the only positive thing that came of Hurricane Rita. It actually almost made my evacuation drama worthwhile. A month goes by and still the sign has not returned. I, along with all of my neighbors, am starting to breathe a sigh of relief. We can just see our property values rising with the demise of that damn sign.
...And then it happened. Today, on my way home from work, I noticed the above sign. And although you can't read what the sign says in the picture, I'll tell you about the new and improved sign that comes complete with its own spotlight.
It now says, "I Haven't Forgotten That You Killed My Weiner Dog! 11/9/02 at 10:30 a.m. Your Day and Hour are coming. $1300 Reward." And then it shows the silhouette of a dachsund on the corner of the sign.
It's awesome. He's totally threatening the coward via trashy yard sign. Nothing better than that...


At 4:41 AM, Blogger berly02 said...

LOL!!! . . . That sign lets me know I turned down the right street. I can't wait to come visit and see the new one.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

Girl - you'll know you're on the right street for sure now. Even at night. The sign is big and illuminated. Kevin's all upset over it!!!

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I'm surprised the homeowners association hasn't done anything yet. Talk about a grudge.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

I KNOW - but he doesn't live in our subdivision, so the homeowners assoc can't say anything about it...

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Good for him!!! Think about how hurt and vengeful you'd feel if someone killed your dog.

Someone poisoned our dog Macaroni when we were little. It was so sad.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Pheebs said...

OMG that's hilarious!! That man is still very angry...and rightfully so! I'm with Linny on that one--I'd do the same thing...or go to other lengths to find the person who poisoned my dog!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

Tiger my husbands dog was poisened but we couldn't prove it. In my old house we lived off the golf course and so you can't have fences in your backyard and so our dog always had to be chained up. One morning this man and his huge black lab were doing their morning jog (where they were not suppose to be) and his dog got ahead of him and went and attempted to start a fight with our dog. Let's just say that I looked out the window and my dog had his dog's head in his mouth throwing him around like a rag doll. They had to take his dog to the hostpital and mine only had a few bite marks on him. We took ours to the vet to get him checked out and they said he was fine. A few days later he started feeling bad and we had to take him to the vet and they said that his kidneys were failing and that he had been poisened. I'm guessing that the man that owed the dog, his dog died and he took it out on him. We still can't prove it was him but he would be the only person that would have an agenda to do something like that. But what goes around comes around. Whoever did it will sooner or later have it come back to get him. I just wish that it didn't happen. But I'm not going to put a sign in my yard showing my frustrations.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Courtney O. said...

No, I totally understand being hurt if your dog was poisoned. Look at my post from yesterday - my animals pretty much rule things around here :) But, all I'm saying is that if, three years after the incident, he still hasn't found the coward - he's probably going to need to pursue other means. Because at this point, that sign's been out there, dragging down property values (LOL) for THREE YEARS. It's sad really. But damn man - you're making a spectacle of yourself!!! It was so funny though - like, "Just because my sign has been noticeably absent for a month doesn't mean I've forgotten. I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN!" That is a man on a mission, I tell you.


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