Saturday, February 05, 2005

Are We There Yet?

Today I went to the longest wedding ever. It was a Methodist wedding, and being that I grew up in the Methodist Church and never saw a wedding last more than 45 minutes, I was not expecting to still be in the service almost 2 hours later. But rest assured, I was. Two hours.
It was a really pretty wedding, but just when things would get rolling, we would have to break for a 10-minute song. This happened 4 times. And the songs caused all of the bridesmaids to cry, forcing them to bring out the tissues and blow their noses. At most weddings, this is normal and not a big deal. But being that we took communion today, complete with the bridesmaids (who had obviously not washed their hands after an hour and a half of holding their own crumbly tissues) breaking and handing out the bread, it posed a problem for me. See my previous post for information on my weak stomach.
It was funny though, because after we took communion, prayed and sang our hearts out for two hours, one of the guys from my office was like, "I need a drink, boy." Classy, that one. I was waiting for the church roof to cave in...


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