Monday, September 25, 2006


Wow - I can't believe it's been almost a week since I last blogged. So much going on these days, it's not even funny.

I had this really big presentation that I had to give at work on Friday, so I spent every night last week preparing for it. And when I still didn't feel prepared on Friday morning, I decided to use Beyonce's trick to help me get through it.
Evidently, when Beyonce is feeling like she can't handle something, she calls on the Diva side of her personality, "Sasha," to handle it. She distances herself and is like, "Sasha's a diva. She's fierce. She can do anything."
It sounds weird, and a bit like a multiple personality issue, but hey - whatever works, right?
So literally 5 minutes before the presentation, I was sitting in the bathroom pep talking myself - "Co's fierce. She's a diva. She knows this presentation front and back." And then I thought about how silly I must have looked, with my hands shaking in the bathroom stall while trying to convince myself that I was a diva, and I laughed enough to loosen myself up. Long story short, the presentation went really well - my manager, Shirley even told me I did "awesome," which is shocking coming from her. (Shirley really is fierce!)
So although Beyonce's trick didn't work in the way that I thought it would, it did help me get through the presenation. And thank goodness for that!

Oh, and p.s. - I found out on Friday during a routine vision screening test that I'm blind. Evidently, four years of working in front of computers has made my vision go from 20/20 to 20/50. And you're supposed to have 20/40 vision to drive. Go figure.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Land Ho!

I just learned (from the radio) that today is "national talk like a pirate day."
And for whatever reason, my employer chooses not to recognize this day as a holiday and let us off of work...
What the hell?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ahh, the Alum...

Got a ticket yesterday.
Right outside of my freaking house.
Evidently, I came to a "rolling pause" at the stop sign in front of my house.
And a "rolling pause" does, in no way, qualify as a "stop."
So I got a ticket that literally read, "disregarded stop sign."

Oh hell no. I didn't "disregard" the stop sign. I (allegedly) rolling paused, remember? Which implies a general regard for the stop sign, does it not? I noticed it, acknowledged it, (allegedly) temporarily paused for it. He should have put that on my ticket, right?
And now, the defensive driving alum (me) will again give up another precious four hour block of time on a Saturday, no less, to sit in a class and discuss the differences in stopping (what I should have done) and pausing (what I allegedly did).


Disclaimer: This post was informational only. By posting this, Courtney in no way claims guilt for the alleged rolling pause claim of the SFPD. Courtney maintains her innocence and will be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Aggie Ring

Last night, I lost my Aggie ring. I looked down at my ring finger on my right hand, and there was nothing there. NOTHING.
I searched the house. Nothing. I searched my car. Nothing. I checked my freezer for whatever reason. Nothing.
I called my husband - who's out of town this week - and of course began to freak out. Next to my wedding ring, that is the single most important piece of jewelry that I own.
Kevin, being the good husband that he is, tells me not to worry because he'll buy me a new one. And being irrational Courtney that I tend to be, I tell him thank you but that I don't want a new one. I want that one. I want the ring that I got when I was in college, the one that my parents bought for me when I was about to graduate, the one that I "earned" by dunking it into a pitcher of beer and drinking the pitcher along with several of my best friends. And just when I'm about to tear up, I see a glimmer of gold peeking out at me from under the bathroom rug. My Aggie ring!
How in the world my ring got wedged underneath the bathroom rug, I'll never know. but just like that, I was back to happy. And Kevin was given major brownie points for his generous offer to buy me another ring...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sex and the City Quote

One of my favorite things that Carrie says about relationships:

There are those that open you up to something new and exotic,
Those that are old and familiar,
Those that bring up lots of questions,
Those that bring you somewhere unexpected,
Those that bring you far from where you started,
And those that bring you back.

But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.
And if you find someone to love the you that you love
Well, that's just fabulous.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Long Live Three-Day Weekends!!

This weekend was the best - time with friends and family, sleeping in, grubbin' down on way too much food, sleeping in, shopping...what could be better?
Yesterday, we hung out with our buds, Jay and Kimberly, and their son Owen. Went to the beach and played in the water, tossed the football, made sandcastles, and read trashy gossip mags. Perfect. Beautiful weather, good ocean breeze. It was a really nice day at the beach.
And then we decided that it would be a good idea to rent one of the four-person bikes to ride up and down the seawall. We hopped on, feeling much like the Flintstones must have felt in their cars. We were laughing, and trying not to run over people, and doin' our thing when the bike literally just stopped. Thousands of people at the beach, hundreds of people on this same type of bike, and we pick the one damn bike that has a front right tire that chooses not to turn. Not to turn forwards anyway.
So we're a good 1/2 mile away from the rental shop, when Kevin realizes that it is possible to make the wheel turn in reverse. Our options were pretty limited at that point, so our resourceful selves turned the bike around and walked on each side of it, trying to blindly steer while it was facing backwards the entire way. People laughed, they pointed, they sneered. One little Australian man on an electric scooter actually circled us and told us that next summer we ought to think about renting a "scootah" instead. Aussie bastard! LOL.
It was a bit humiliating yesterday. Leave it to the four of us to pick the one lemon bike in the bunch. Today, it's ever-so-funny. I so would have been one of the people pointing and laughing. No doubt about it.