Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dreee-eee-eee-eeeam, Dream, Dream, Dream

So I still haven't gotten my glasses that I ordered something like 11 days ago!
And I'm getting nervous about it now because as the days pass, I'm beginning to imagine these horrific frames (something like my fourth grade teacher used to wear) that are huge and round and UGLY!
Last night, I dreamed that I rode my tricycle (?) down to LensCrafters to pick up my glasses only to discover that I had ordered a pair that was half sunglasses and half bifocals. So one side was dark with a brown frame that was super round. And the other side was teeny tiny, half moon shaped with a gold wire frame.
I was horrified!
And I remember saying, "This can't be what I ordered. I would never wear something like this."
And the salesman responded, "Well, who's to say what you ordered - your eyes were still dilated when you picked your glasses out."
I woke up this morning, so grateful to find our that I had been dreaming!


At 7:19 AM, Blogger Drywall Mom said...

I don't think I could ever order glasses. I would have to try them on before I got them.

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

They probably had to send them to an outside lab but generally that shouldn't take more than a week, especially since you're only wearing single vision lenses. I'd probably call the Optical shop and find out what the hold up is. My guess is that someone screwed them up and they had to send them back to be remade.

*Ooops. Sorry...the Ophthalmology office manager is coming out in me.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger Pheebs said...

It was nightmare central last nite! My sleep was plagued by nightmares as well, though they were of the bartending assortment...

The glasses will be fine..besides, isn't LensCrafters the one with the "you can return them as many times as you want" policy?

At 9:58 PM, Blogger mindtwister said...


That's a funny dream :)

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I wish I could remember my dreams that vividly...


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