Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I Stole This From Craig and Felicia

Likes (in no particular order):

1 God
2 Kevbo - my BFF
3 Family - I love having a family that I enjoy being with.
4 Friends - my girls, not the television show...although the television show makes me happy too...
5 Allie, Sasha and Mo (the animals!)
6 memories from living in the dorm and going to class in pajama pants
7 The saying, "Don't hassle the hoff"
8 EBay gift certificates
9 Christmas light looking!
10 specific group language - when your inner circle develops its own sayings - like in college when we used to call everybody "Hooker," or when we constantly quoted "Friends."
11 The term "biotch"
12 Sweets - meltaway mints, cadbury eggs, white chocolate covered reese's eggs, peanut butter cookies! YUM!
13 Myspace - the only way I'm able to keep up with people
14 Vacation time from work. It's a necessity!
15 Animals dressed as humans.
16 Victoria's Secret Pink collection
17 homemade gifts
18 How my Grandpa calls my Grandma, "Mama"...and also how his nose crinkles when he laughs
19 The fact that football season is finally almost over. THANK GOD!
20 Celebreality
21 Girls weekends!
22 How my puppy's entire body shakes with excitement when Kevin and I get home from work
23 How my brother always and without fail says, "Don't leave" when I'm visiting him and I say I have to go home
24 Nature: the beach / sunrises / sunsets / rain / rainbows
25 fake toenails. Revolutionary, I tell you.

1 Corporate Giants
2 Overpaid CEO's / sports figures / entertainers, etc
3 Underpaid teachers / janitors / laborers, etc
4 starvation and poverty
5 greed and overindulgence
6 War and violence in general
7 brown plaid
8 How Christmas was only two days ago and Wal-Mart already has Valentines Day stuff out
9 The fact that Paris Hilton is famous for being famous.
10 K.Fed
11 The term "wangsta"
12 The fact that my cat, Mo, insists on scratching at the carpet.
13 Football season - is it over yet?
14 Politicians
15 Scratches on your favorite cd
16 Creepy Coworker's inappropriate outbursts during meetings. SO AWKWARD!
17 Moving
18 Holiday weight gain. (See number 12 under the Likes Category)
19 Skinny, overzealous aerobics instructors that want you to smile while you're beating up your body.
20 Snakes in general.
21 Fake people. Say what you mean; Mean what you say.
22 70's sitcoms. The girls are always ditzy, the guys always level headed and in control.
23 Flipped up collars
24 Snobby people. Get off your high horse!
25 Paper jams

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You Haven't Seen It All Until You've Seen...

...a 75 year old man wearing a shirt that says, "I'm just a squirrel, tryin' to bust a nut."
That's right kids, I've seen it all.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This Year in Retrospect (Let me warn you: it's cheesy)

So my theme for 2006 was to focus on and appreciate what I have - especially the people in my life, and not to want material things so much. In many ways, I've failed on the material part of it, but I do feel like I have a true understanding of what matters most: God and the people who love you.
I've been really trying to focus on the little things: like when I made dinner tonight, and Kevin immediately jumped up afterwards to do the dishes, without me even asking. He's a good man. I never used to give him the full credit that he deserves for stuff like that. He's generous and kind, and I thank God for him each day.
And I think about my family and what each of them means to me:
My dad who is always kind and caring; my brother who's always funny and laughing; my mom who's always warm and motherly (ironic, I know), Felicia who's just like a little sister to me.
And my girls: Amy, who's always giggly, Allison who's always got a funny spin on things, Lisa who's always adventurous, Berly who's always there for you with a kind word, Shana who's always sensible and down-to-earth. I love those girls.
And I can't forget my girls at work: Karen who is sarcastic and oh-so-funny, Gloria who's always real, and Rita who keeps me positive. What would I do without them?
I thank God for my preacher, Nathan, who's taught me so much this year. And for his wife, Melanie, who's so loving and open. I truly believe that God specifically placed them in my life to help me become the person I'm supposed to be.
It's been an excellent year. I'm surrounded by people that I love, and who make me better. No amount of material things could ever compare to that.
Sometimes, I think it's good to just say how you feel. And that's how I feel right now.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

More Pics...

This weekend was family Christmas time. So of course, I have pictures to show...
First the grandparents:

The boys:

And the girls:

I'd be the one with the flat hair on the left. See post on "Mother Nature." Thanks again, biotch!

Go On,Take On This Old World...

My little bubba graduated from college on Friday!
He's an Alpha Chi, a Beta Gamma (both honors fraternities) and a Cum Laude grad. And he's the most down-to-earth person I've ever known. This picture says it all:

Congrats Craig! I'm so proud of you!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Will Work For Food...

I have the most tolerant puppy of all time...
Allie and I made a deal: she let me take one decent picture of her in the Santa hat, and I promised never to make her wear it again. This was her part of the bargain.

It's sad, because you can actually see on her face how bummed she is about the Santa hat. Allie's good with shirts, dresses and even camping jackets. She evidently draws the line at Santa hats...

An Open Letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature:

You've made your point, and I fully understand now that you can do what you want. Texas is evidently a deregulated weather zone, meaning you can send a cold front, followed immediately by a heat wave, rounded off with humidity, fog and rain. You can leave each day muggy with highs in the mid 70's EVEN IN DECEMBER. Point taken.
But Mother Nature, I do have one request. You see, I'm in the process of trying to grow out my naturally frizzy hair. I have to straighten aforementioned hair every night and every morning, just to make it semi-manageable. I'm not asking for Pantene hair; just a 'do that doesn't cause people to stare in horror. Is that too much to ask, Mother Nature? Because it's hard enough to deal with, without you enveloping me in your evil humidity every morning, inevitably causing my hair to stand up at the roots, in the ever popular Don Johnson fashion.
So I'm asking you politely and as nicely as I know how: please don't make me chop my hair off to eyebrow length again! Nobody wants that. And I'm going to tell you like I overheard a coworker tell his wife, "WOMAN! I've done loved you EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!" I've picked up litter and consistently purchased fuel efficient cars to ease the strain on you. So please take that into consideration before you throw another 80 degree at me.

Thanks in advance for your prompt cooperation.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Quote of the Day

"Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get." -Bernard Meltzer