Berly Come Home!!!
This is my official protest of Berly's decision to leave the blog world.
"Hell NO!
Don't you GO!
Hell NO!
Don't you GO!"
It needed to be said, right?
My Life In Progress...or lack thereof :)
This is my official protest of Berly's decision to leave the blog world.
So I'm planning a surprise birthday party for hubby, who turns 30 in a few weeks.
I think I've finally gotten to the point in my life where it's past time to make a change. Career-wise, that is.
Sometimes a weekend with your girls is all you need to make the world seem right.
Today started off just fine. I was up on time, dressed in a flash, had puppy in her cage without too much hassle, left my house on schedule with iced coffee in hand. I had even driven the first 15 mile leg of my 36 mile commute to work in record time.
So the new Taco Bell window person creeps me out.
You bastards. How do you justify taking over a radio station and immediately firing the entire morning show staff that has been on the air for 13 years? Don't you realize that you're messin' with people's emotions when you do that? I've been listening to Maria Todd since I was 13 years old (and to Atom for several years now). That's half of my life, in case you can't count.
My husband is not a man of emotions. People who know him probably think this to be the understatement of the year. And yet yesterday, when I got home from taking Allie to the vet to get spayed, I see that he has brought home this massive, fluffy, cushy dog bed that he had to have picked up on his way home from work.
This morning, song director Matthew was walking in to church with his three sons, Gavin (6 years old), Brice (3 years old) and Kegan (2 years old). They walked in a row from tallest to shortest, much like a duck with its ducklings. In comes Matthew, followed by Gavin, followed by Brice...but no Kegan.