So I was filling out a random, no-reason application which I will speak of no further so as not to jinx anything, when I was asked to describe my most embarrassing moment in life.
Embarrassing moment? Me? Hmmmm...
So as I mentally dug through my repertoire of embarrassing incidents, I was taken back to my first date with Kevin.
Yes, my then-23-year-old hottie crush, Kevin. Whom I had secretly lusted after since the first moment I met him. The one who made me start writing my would-be name "Courtney Olson" over and over on pieces of paper before I would shamefully tear out those pages and shred them so as to avoid being caught, and subsequently harrassed and embarrassed by one of my friends.
My Kevin had finally asked me out, and I was so excited, I could hardly wait. I think we were going to the movies. Or not. Who can remember these things?
So he picks me up at my apartment, and I suddenly remember that I've forgotten my cell phone upstairs.
A girl can never leave her house without her cell phone, you know.So I run back upstairs and grab the phone before heading back downstairs to the car.
No problem, right?
I hit the last step of the stairs, and I swear something grabs my foot (really nothing grabs my foot, I'm just clumsy and like to make myself feel better), throws it out from underneath my body, and I can feel life go in to slow motion.
(I don't even have time to throw my arms out in that panicked way that Bugs Bunny always does after he realizes that the cliff is no longer beneath him and he's about to eat the dirt.)No no, no time for that. Because my butt is headed for the ground. And quickly. And all I can see is Kevin's surprised face as he watches my head disappear behind the hood of the car.
I was mortified. And muddy. Such a bad combo for what I had hoped would be the perfect date.
And as I peel myself up off the ground, I see Kevin.
Is he being a gentleman? Maybe feeling sorry for me after my mishap? Wanting to comfort me and make me feel better?
Why no, he's not. He's laughing hysterically and pointing at me.
That was the night we both knew we would be married one day.