I'm watching George Bush address the nation right now, and it really has become apparent in the last 30 minutes just how much trouble our nation is in right now. Social Security is going bankrupt, terrorism across the world is on the rise, gas prices are sky rocketing, we are still at war on two separate fronts, and our president doesn't seem to have any concrete solutions for these problems.
For social security, he proposes that we should have the "option" to have personal savings accounts. He just stated that under his plan, even those people who choose not to invest in personal savings accounts will still have higher Social Security benefits than current beneficiaries, and yet he never gave any viable explanation as to how that might happen.
For terrorism, he stated that we're taking a proactive approach, and that we're going after the "bad guy" abroad in order to stop terrorism here in America. But he never gave any explanation as to what we define as a "terrorist." It's a thin line between being proactive and invading random countries for bogus reasons.
For the war in Iraq, Bush simply stated that we're winning that war. Though the insurgency in Iraq is as strong now as it has ever been, and though there's still no end in sight in that war, we are evidently winning. Cheers to that.
And evidently, the fact that we started a war with a country because we said they had weapons of mass destruction, when in fact they did not have weapons of mass destruction is still a non-issue. It still hasn't been addressed by our president...
Things I would have liked Bush to address:
1) The fact we've gotten ourselves in to a war that might not end and might never be won.
2) The fact that Social Security's in trouble because he spent more than $400 billion of the money that was earmarked for Social Security, in his first term alone.
3) The fact that he got it wrong when it came to Iraq, and people are dying every day because of the miscalculation and/or misleading by our government.
4) The fact that cutting taxes of the rich is simply a way of buying loyalty for the future, all the while creating more deficits for our country - that this isn't in the best interest of our country, but that it will ensure Republican success for the foreseeable future.
At least if he came out and said these things up front, I could take him seriously in the future.