Thursday, April 28, 2005


I'm watching George Bush address the nation right now, and it really has become apparent in the last 30 minutes just how much trouble our nation is in right now. Social Security is going bankrupt, terrorism across the world is on the rise, gas prices are sky rocketing, we are still at war on two separate fronts, and our president doesn't seem to have any concrete solutions for these problems.
For social security, he proposes that we should have the "option" to have personal savings accounts. He just stated that under his plan, even those people who choose not to invest in personal savings accounts will still have higher Social Security benefits than current beneficiaries, and yet he never gave any viable explanation as to how that might happen.
For terrorism, he stated that we're taking a proactive approach, and that we're going after the "bad guy" abroad in order to stop terrorism here in America. But he never gave any explanation as to what we define as a "terrorist." It's a thin line between being proactive and invading random countries for bogus reasons.
For the war in Iraq, Bush simply stated that we're winning that war. Though the insurgency in Iraq is as strong now as it has ever been, and though there's still no end in sight in that war, we are evidently winning. Cheers to that.
And evidently, the fact that we started a war with a country because we said they had weapons of mass destruction, when in fact they did not have weapons of mass destruction is still a non-issue. It still hasn't been addressed by our president...

Things I would have liked Bush to address:
1) The fact we've gotten ourselves in to a war that might not end and might never be won.
2) The fact that Social Security's in trouble because he spent more than $400 billion of the money that was earmarked for Social Security, in his first term alone.
3) The fact that he got it wrong when it came to Iraq, and people are dying every day because of the miscalculation and/or misleading by our government.
4) The fact that cutting taxes of the rich is simply a way of buying loyalty for the future, all the while creating more deficits for our country - that this isn't in the best interest of our country, but that it will ensure Republican success for the foreseeable future.

At least if he came out and said these things up front, I could take him seriously in the future.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Hammer Time

Who did karaoke last night?
It's me.
That's right - My non-singing self grabbed a microphone and sang several out of tune, mis-timed, horrid versions of various Madonna songs...and also some MC Hammer stuff too. MC Hammer came complete with the old dance moves as well. Threw that in for free. That's always fun.
But that's not all: Kimberly, Allen, Kevin and Stacie all belted out songs also. Actually, Stacie did it first and we all followed suit. We sounded damn good, if I do say so myself. We're currently thinking over an offer to become the new Partridge Family. We'll keep you posted on upcoming concert dates...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Cowboys and Indians

It's that time of year again: Galveston County Fair time. Life as we know it will never be the same. Farming equipment is unmanned, horses are running amuck - every cowboy in the county has dusted off his hat, donned his tightest pair of jeans, and is partying at the fair even as we speak. Each and every year, I ask myself, "Self, will there be enough women to go around for all of those tight-pants-wearing, snuff-dippin', hotties with the big hats on?" This year, I decided to go out to the fair and see for myself. And indeed, there were enough women to go around. It turns out that every woman in the county has heeded the call of the cowboys, and has also picked out an extra special getup for this year's county fair. The theme is Hoe-wear, and it comes complete with a tiny little animal print top, a barely-there skirt, a brightly-colored thong that can be seen fighting its way out of the top of the skirt, extra long heels, big earrings, and of course, a gigantic hat. You go girls! Get yourself a cowboy...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Travelin' Fool

Sweet: I just got finished booking my trip to San Diego in June. I'm going with my cousin, and I plan on taking my laptop, sitting by the beach, and writing a chapter of my book. By June, I should be on chapter three or so...ha :)
And a new proposition has come up: There's a training session in Tampa in May that I may or may not attend. It's a Thursday - Saturday conference, so I'd be going it alone, and I'm a bit scared about traveling all by my lonesome. Is it sad that I'm 25 and afraid to go stay in a hotel by myself? I might just put on my big-girl pants and take my happy self to Florida. The good thing about the conference is that it's not an all day affair, and assuming I skip the dinners and awards crap, I should be out by 3 pm every day. So I'd be sad and alone next to the ocean, getting a killer tan. Really, is there a better way to be sad and alone?


I was reading my friend, Kimberly's blog earlier this morning, and I've been laughing for like 10 minutes now. Her post today is so funny and strange - about some guy that keeps stealing pens from her store. If you're in the mood for a laugh this morning, check out Berly's blog at:

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Calling All Campers

So I was wondering if anybody's interested in doing the Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip in New Braunfels again this year. We took a break from it last year, but I do love the fear that I feel while floating amidst the their own natural environment...where I have no control whatsoever. Yep, nothing quite like that. If anybody's interested, email me so that we can start the planning.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Snake Update

One more thing I wanted to share before I go to bed: two more snakes have now been found in our back yard. So that brings our grand total to six snakes, two possums, and a rat (one of the possums and the rat were actually in my garage). Somebody remind me, do I not live in a SUBDIVISION??? I'm not in the middle of a pasture here - there are paved streets and sidewalks, at least 150 homes, and lots of people around here at all times. What the hell?
I feel like the lady from Green Acres. "Darling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue!"

My Favorite Quote:

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Others stay awhile and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

I don't even know where I heard that originally. Does anybody know where that quote came from?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Love Thy Husband

What a bizarre night we had last night. Kevin signed us up for some marriage class through his friend's church, so we spent the night getting yelled at that we don't love each other enough and that we have to love our spouses like Jesus loved the church. It was such a bummer because the class sounded like it was going to be really cool and productive. I love reading and hearing about God, but I do not enjoy getting yelled at and made to feel that I'm some scum bag that's a disgrace to the church. And I don't know why or how it started, but halfway through the evening, it became apparent that the preacher was seeking validation from the congregation by finishing his sentences with "Amen?" to which everybody responded, "AMEN!" So the whole night was pretty much like, "You gotta love your wife more than you love yourself. Amen?" "AMEN!" At one point, about 3 hours in to the lecture, I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience when I could no longer decipher the words that were coming out of the preacher's mouth. It was like, "wah wah wah wah...Amen?AMEN!" I seriously can't think of anything I want to do less than to sit and get yelled at for 3 1/2 hours straight. Amen?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Young Love

Oh my goodness - I'm so grossed out right now. I just witnessed one of our neighbors have a make-out session with his very teen-aged girlfriend. He's at least 23, and she can't be more than 16. I'm pretty sure that's not legal in most states. Eww! It was very graphic, and that's all I'm going to say about that.
But wait - here's what's so funny: the guy lives at home with his parents, and he and his skeezy girlfriend were in the middle of doing their thing when pops comes driving down the street. Much like kids who have just gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar, this guy and his girlfriend quickly scurry into the house, obviously busted for their public display of affection.
BUSTED : "Creepy and Skeezy sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
You know, I'm not against being affectionate, but if it's illegal, as statutory rape tends to be, perhaps it's best to be handsy behind closed doors, hmm?

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I actually rollerbladed today without a major catastrophe. That's a big accomplishment for me, especially given my balance issues before wheels are even added to the mix. I had almost forgotten why it was that I stopped rollerblading, but my familiar vulnerable state while on two single rows of wheels this afternoon brought it all back to me:
It's sophomore year at A&M, and it's one of the first really hot and beautiful days of Spring. Finals are coming up, and I, always thinking of new ways to multi-task, have the brilliant idea to take my books and rollerblades to the park to get in some studying and exercise.
(Let me just give you a little background on the landscape of College Station: it has hills.
Now let me give you a little background on my skating abilities: they suck.)
As I'm trying to gracefully make my way through the park on skates, three thoughts simultaneously come to mind:
1) There are two very cute guys watching me rollerblade. Nice.
2) Wow, I'm going pretty fast - I didn't realize this park had such steep hills.
3) Damn - I'm dangerously close to this upcoming pond.
Long story short, I'm careening out of control toward this pond, and I glance over at the hot guys who are nervously staring at me. (God no - why me?!?) I try to put on my brakes, but my feet fail me. (Nnnooooo!) With hotties watching from a distance, it's now last resort time and my options are limited. Thoughts of Lucille Ball are flashing through my mind as I take a knee, do two out-of-control side tumbles, and finally come to a stop about 6 feet away from the pond. My eyes still shut, I reach down to take off my skates and can only imagine the laughter that must be coming from the hotties at this moment. (I will never know of their actual reaction, as I'm unable to muster up the courage to look their way after this humiliating incident.) With my eyes glued to the ground, I finish taking off my skates, dust off my scraped-up knees, and slowly stand.
The barefoot walk of shame back to my car was probably the longest of my life.
Looking back, I now consider it a success that I didn't somehow gain momentum while tumbling down the hill and end up in the pond anyway.
And that, my friends, is why I no longer rollerblade where rocks, water, or hills are present.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Dear Abby

Today is the first day of my independent writing career. A woo hoo! I bought myself a laptop today, so that I can't use the fact that my husband goes to bed earlier than I do as an excuse not to write each night. This month, I'm devoting my spare time to brainstorming, and then my goal is to write a chapter every month until the book's finished. And then the editing and re-editing will commence. Seriously, it could be a good ten years until I finish this thing...
I've been so torn about career choices for the past few months. I have a love/hate relationship with my current job, but when it comes down to it, I really have grown attached to my co-workers. At the same time, I love to write and the only writing gig I have going right now is this question and answer column that I do for Social Security. But that's not writing...I'm the Dear Abby of SSA. It's not like I get to be creative or fun with that. There aren't too many ways to spice up an answer to a Medicare question. God knows I've tried...
So I'm hoping this will be a good solution to my career problems. Wish me luck with the book!!!

Halfway to Fifty

I'm now officially a quarter of a century. Nobody wants that.
But what a cool birthday - we have a family party every year, because 5 of my relatives have birthdays within a 3 week period. That's always really fun. This year, my grandpa turned 75, my cousin turned 35 and I turned 25. Lots of 5's in there.
Also, I watched "Love Story" Saturday night, and what a horribly depressing movie. It was great, don't get me wrong, but I was literally sobbing by the end of it. What's bad is that I was watching it with Kevin, Craig and Felicia, who are made of stone and were making so much fun of me because I was crying. Bastards.