Sunday, July 31, 2005

Our Weekend In Pictures

I can't believe it's already Sunday. Bummer about having to go back to work tomorrow, but we had such a great weekend. Our friends, Jay and Kim brought their son, Owen down for the weekend. Owen is four years old and full of energy. He's such a cutie. First, we went to the Kemah Boardwalk, where we rode the train and got Owen a "Bob The Builder" temporary tattoo, and then we took Owen to the game room and played games and rode go-karts pretty much all day yesterday.
I'm attaching some pictures from our weekend:

Us riding the Train

Owen getting his tattoo

And now, after a weekend of fun, it's back to another week of sheer and utter joy at work...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Fireman Kev...Revisited

Kevin got called out to fight his first fire last night.
He's on the fire squad for the plant where he works, and anytime there's an explosion at any of the surrounding plants, he gets called out to help fight the fire.
He has this massive pager (it's seriously as big as a brick, so I laugh at him for it) that he has to carry with him at all times. So last night, as I was cooking dinner, we heard this high-pitched alarm going off in the dining room. I honestly didn't know what it was so I automatically freaked out, thinking I had set something on fire in the kitchen. We checked all the fire alarms in the house before it dawned on us that the brick was sounding off. There was another explosion at BP Amoco, and although nobody had been hurt (Thank God!), Kevin and the rest of the ISP fire squad had to go out to the plant to help relieve the BP fire squad.
I learned that I tend to turn into a clean freak when I'm stressed. From the time that Kevin left at 6:30 to the time he got home early this morning, I made pasta salad, four layer dip, and brownies, and I cleaned bathrooms, swept, vacuumed, and mopped floors, de-fuzzed furniture, and did laundry.
On top of that, I learned just how neat our family and friends are. My entire family - Mom, Dad, Craig and Felicia - came and stayed at my house to keep me company because they know how freaked out I get about Kevin fighting fires. And I got several telephone calls throughout the night from Tracy, whose husband was also out at the plant with Kevin, to keep me up to date on what she had heard, and from Jay (Kevin's best friend), to make sure that Kevin was o.k. and to reassure me that things would be alright.
Kevin and I are so lucky to have such awesome people surrounding us!
And everything turned out o.k. Nobody was hurt, and the fire was out by 3:00 this morning, so that's a relief...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I just had a strange experience.
I went to the outlet mall near my house to look for a new comforter. As I was walking in to the store, one of the cashiers comes running outside and says (in a slightly frantic tone), "Ma'am, you'll have to leave. There's been a threat." Not a terrorist threat, not a bomb threat, just simply a "threat."
So my question is this: What kind of "threat" does the home interior outlet store generally receive?
And what motivation is there to "threaten" the home interior outlet store?
Does one demand a larger selection of down comforters? More variety in the style of curtains offered?
Pretty much the one place you would expect to be safe is the Martha Stewart Mecca. It's a home interior outlet store, for the love. What is the world coming to?

Afterthought to Previous Post

I was just thinking that it's definitely a good thing that I ended up with Kevin. I need him around to keep me grounded...
On the flip side, he needs me around to plan his trips. Without my influence, he'd never leave Santa Fe...
It works.

On Dieting

This morning, as I was drinking my cup of coffee, I was thinking about how sad my mornings would be without coffee. It's the one thing that wakes me up in the mornings, and one of the food/drink items that I am not willing to give up in my quest for the perfect body. In fact, I really only started drinking coffee after I went on my diet, as a consolation for the fact that I had given up pretty much everything I enjoyed. I was o.k. with substituting salads for hamburgers and tacos, I dealt with the fact that I had to eat Blue Bunny instead of Blue Bell, I even learned to pretend that Diet Coke was actually Coke, but I was damn sure not giving up coffee.
There are also a few other food items, which I'm not willing to accept yet:
1) Fat-free cheese: It's not cheese!
2) Sugar-free sno-cones. You can't fool me. I know sugary juice when I taste it.
3) Last but not least, Boca Burgers/Tofu/Tofurkey. I can't deal with veggies trying to pose as meat. It's not natural.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


My Spanish is so sad.
I just tried to tell a Spanish-speaking customer to take a number, and while I was supposed to say, "tome un numero," it actually came out as "Tow-May oon NOOM-uh-ROW."
I'll bet the mumbling that the man did under his breath following my sad display of Spanish was actually him cursing at me for butchering his language.
So sorry. Lo Siento. "LOW See-in-tow."
I really need to learn Spanish...

I'm Lookin' Up, You're Lookin' Down

Lately, I've been feeling restless. I'm fighting the urge to sell my house, move to a new and different place, and get a new and different job. Things just tend to get so blah here at times...same old thing day in and day out. And I'm not talking about a general routine. I'm talking about a to-the-minute, bore-you-to-death routine.
Each day, our alarm goes off at 5:42. Kevin hits snooze on the alarm - just once - and is up by 5:51. I then hit snooze once more and sleep until 6:00 on the dot. We get dressed and leave together at 6:20.
I'm at work at 7:00. I eat lunch EVERY DAY at 11:30 - the people at Taco Bell and McDonald's now know my face and have learned to wave from inside the window at me. God, how embarrassing. I get off at 4:30, grab a sno-cone on the way home from work, and I'm home by 5:15. I walk with my cousin from 6:30 to 7:30. I eat dinner, bathe, read, write, etc (the only element of surprise in my whole routine) until 9:00, at which time I watch TV for a while. I then go to bed at 10:30.
I feel like I should take up quilting or something just to openly expose myself as the grandma that I'm quickly becoming...
So, I talked to Kevin about possibly moving, and he's completely opposed. He's completely content living here. Damn it. I might have to take up something crazy, like car-strapped roller blading, or hellicopter bungee jumping just to add some spice to my life.
Maybe I'll become a fire-breathing snake charmer. Yep, that should do.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


I've made a decision on the book that I've been writing: I'm not ready to write a book yet.
I've been reading the blog of this lady who just finished her first novel, and she really puts into perspective just how difficult it is to put yourself out there and have to face rejection.
I don't even deal well with writing about personal issues via blog entry.
So I'm opting to write children's stories instead...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

"The fire of suffering brings forth the gold of godliness."

My inspiration today comes from the man who sells newspapers near my house, on the corner of Highway 1764 and Interstate 45. Until today, I had never talked to him, but he's always there regardless of weather conditions, waving and smiling at every single car that goes by. Nothing seems to break his spirit - EVER. I'm going to be extremely presumptuous here, but my guess is that the man probably doesn't have much money and he probably doesn't make much selling newspapers. He does, however, have this inner joy that you just can't miss.
This morning, I bought a newspaper from him, and when I asked how he was doing, he simply said, "I'm blessed, maam. Truly blessed."
It was kind of like this friendly reminder that although our society uses monetary worth as a measure of personal worth, money isn't everything after all.
I don't know this man at all, but the impression that I get is that he's extremely spiritual. And I love the thought that at the end of this short lifetime, regardless of what he lacked in material things here, he'll go to Heaven for eternity and have everything he needs forever.
I can't help wishing he would win the lottery in the meantime...
But what a neat man he seemed to be.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

My Buds

OK, so there's lots of friends news to report, so this post is going to have to be strictly dedicated to friends:
Congrats to Allison, who just got accepted to nursing school! I'm very excited to have a friend in the medical profession, due to the very distinct possibility that I will one day need CPR or anti-depressants :) I know you've worked long and hard for this, and it's finally paid off!
Congrats to Tracy and Jeff, who just found out that they will be moving in to a new house within the next 3 weeks! That's probably the most exciting and nerve-racking feeling in the world to know that your contract was accepted on a house, but it's definitely a good feeling and I'm so happy for you guys.
Congrats and good luck to Berly, who quit her job and is in the process of making a career change, and a positive one at that. It takes guts to change jobs, but we're all praying for you and I know things will work out for the best.
Welcome Home to Lisa, who just got back from Thailand, where she evidently discovered (while working with orphans) that she does, indeed, like children. That's a big step, Shibbie, and definitely a good one...I'm so glad you made it home safely to the US of A :)
And last but definitely not least, Happy Birthday to Shana, who turned 26 today!

Wow - my life seems totally boring in comparison...


I've got "Bless the Broken Road" stuck in my head this morning. DAMN! But it's not the whole song - just the very beginning, and it's on repeat in my brain...

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

And while it's a really good song, I could not be more annoyed right now.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Dream Dream Dream

I had the most bizarre dream last night.
I was going to law school in Houston, but I lived in Santa Fe and had no transportation to get to Houston, so I was forced to take a taxi, which cost me $100 each way, effectively doubling the cost of law school. So anyway, I get to law school and find out that law school is actually journalism school, which is actually a series of physical challenges, like running relay races to get our grades. The winner of the race got an A, the person in second place got a B, the person in third place got a C, etc.
I woke up this morning stressing out because I didn't have enough money to take a taxi home and also because our next physical challenge was going to be rock climbing, and I have no upper body strength.
So weird...

Some Quirks and Flaws, Respectively

I talk to myself.
Is that totally abnormal?
Because in my car this morning, I had a complete conversation with nobody. It was therapeutic, but I wonder if the people in the cars around me knew that I was talking to myself. Perhaps they thought I was singing along to the radio...

And also, I'm a complete fraud.
I try to present myself as somebody who's not materialistic, but I just spent an entire blog posting talking about a TRUCK, which is very materialistic. It's one of the things that I like least about myself, and one of the things that I'm trying to change. I wonder if recognizing this flaw somehow makes it a lesser offense than if I didn't recognize it at all...

Monday, July 18, 2005

The Thrill is Gone

Kevin broke my heart yesterday.
He got a new truck and is now in the process of selling his GMC truck, which I love.
It was our first joint purchase as a married couple, and now it's history...
I had to stop myself from screaming, "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!" while he was signing the paperwork on the new one.
But alas, the deal is done and an ugly green truck has invaded our garage...
And red had to spend the night outside last night...
He knows not what it is to live outside...

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Brit

Our maintenance man, Wallace, is a true stereotypical British man, complete with bad teeth and biting sense of humor. I love him.
Today, he came in to show me his "new pearly whites" - evidently he got dentures yesterday because his teeth are curiously straight and sparkly today. And he's very excited about that. So much in fact, that he's walking around to all of our workstations pointing at his mouth with this huge grin on his face.
Have I mentioned that I love Wallace?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I'm craving a blue coconut sno cone like no other today! YUM!
Summer time always reminds me of Bryan/College Station - they had this killer drive thru sno cone stand in Bryan called Shivers, that I frequented during the summer time. Nothing else like it. I would wait in line for 30 minutes at a time to get my sno cone fix.
I'm going to need one of you College Stationites to send me a Shivers sno cone ASAP...


Has anybody heard, "You and Me," by Lifehouse?
Awesome song...
Possibly my new favorite for this week...

Friday, July 08, 2005

Nolens Volens

In an effort to expand my vocabulary, I've subscribed to "A Word A Day," which - obviously - gives me a new word and its meaning each day. Very fun.
Today's word was "nolens volens," which means, "either willingly or unwillingly." Being that I had never in my life heard this term, I felt compelled to share my newest bit of knowledge...

Also, I have some news from the friend front to share...
Congrats to Amy and Jason who got engaged a few weeks ago!!! Yay!
And please keep Lisa in your prayers. She'll be in Thailand doing aid work with her brother and sister-in-law for the next 9 days.

A Lot More Action

I'm taking the first steps to getting out of my job! I updated my resume last night and I'm sending it out to a few places on Monday. Wish me luck...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I Wonder...

if we'll ever get to a point in life when people don't feel the need to kill others to make political statements...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I watched a special on CNBC yesterday that focused on several different aspects of Wal-Mart: national and international expansion, suppliers, employee salaries and benefits, and lawsuits pending against the company.
When I think of Wal-Mart, I think of a little smiley face man running around, knocking down prices across a well-lit store, with happy employees watching. Very reminiscent of the happiest place on earth (to shop, anyway), but that's such a distorted view of how things really are.
First of all, WalMart has now expanded into ten countries across the globe, with approximately 5500 stores worldwide. They're the largest employer in both Canada and Mexico, and the largest retail store in the United States. Clearly, they have some pull in the industry. So much, in fact, that the process of setting prices with their suppliers is actually the opposite of most other retail stores. In most cases, the supplier sets the price on goods for the retail store, which in turn sets the price of their goods accordingly. WalMart has so much power, though, that they tell the suppliers what they will pay for goods, and suppliers have to accomodate WalMart. This sounds great to the consumer in terms of short-term prices, but it's been brutal to the suppliers, which typically have to cut jobs in order to keep their profits up. (On a side note, I've heard that Rubbermaid has either gone out of business or is on the verge of going out of business as a result of this process.)
In terms of competition, there really is none for Wal-Mart. On average, small businesses in direct competition with Wal-Mart lose 25% of profits each month after Wal-Mart invades their local market. This trend continues in most cases, until smaller stores are forced out of business. Slowly but surely, Wal-Mart's becoming a monopoly over the retail market. And when monopolies are formed, consumers lose power because of the lack of competition that normally results in price wars.
With all these profits that Wal-Mart makes, you would think that the employees would benefit in some way. But no - wages are low (about $7.00 - 8.00 per hour for most full-time employees), more than 4,500 pending lawsuits accuse Wal-Mart of paying higher wages to men versus women, and where the average U.S. employer pays $4400 toward the cost of each employee's insurance premiums per year, Wal-Mart only pays $3400 per employee, leaving the employee to pick up the remainder of the premiums each year.
So basically, Wal-Mart keeps prices down at the cost of the suppliers and employers, drives smaller stores out of business, expands at a rate of about 9% per year, and is threatening to gain a monopoly of the retail market nationwide.
Keep this in mind when you feel the need to save a few dollars on groceries this week...


I heard a Sheryl Crow song today that goes along perfectly with my last post.
I can't remember the name, but the song says, "It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you got."
That's key.

Always Looking Ahead...

One of the things that I've really noticed lately is my inability to be content. I'm generally happy - that's not the problem. It's the fact that I'm never ever content with anything. Here are some instances:
-You know the house that Kevin and I bought less than a year ago - the one that I was so ecstatic about for so long in the cute little neighborhood that I loved so much...I'm now pushing to sell it so that we can build another one. I don't know why - there's nothing wrong with our house. It's less than 4 years old, and we're very comfortable in it. But I keep thinking ahead to when/if we have kids, and how crowded they would feel in the two bedrooms, because they aren't very big. But here's the problem: I don't have kids, and I don't plan on having kids for quite some time, so why worry about this now, when we have more than enough space for the two of us? But even as I write this, I'm picturing in my head, my new home.
-I've been doing Weight Watchers since November, and I've now lost 15 pounds, which is 5 pounds more than I had hoped to lose. I should be content with this, and yet something in my brain keeps saying that if I keep trying, I can lose another 10 pounds. Rationally, I can look at the scale and tell myself that I don't need to lose weight, but when I look in the mirror, the only things I can see are my problem areas. And I keep thinking that if I can just take off 5 - 10 more pounds, I'll be content with my body. This is a problem, I know.
-I'm never ever content with my salary. I just got a raise two weeks ago, and I'm already looking ahead to my next one and how much easier things will be when I'm making more money. This is strange, because even as I say that, I know how blessed I am to have the life that I have, and to make at least a decent salary, but still - I look ahead to December, when I will get another cost of living adjustment. How freaking sad is that? And how hypocritical...
-School. I wanted to be a journalist, got my degree, decided I didn't want to do it, so I went to work for the government. Wanted to be a teacher, got my paperwork started to go back to school and get my certification. Backed out. Wanted to be a lawyer. Took the LSAT, passed, got accepted to law school, and decided I was happy with the government. You don't have to tell me what a freak I am, I already know.

Seriously, will I ever just be content?

Friday, July 01, 2005

A Woo Hoo

I'm having a Felicity marathon tonight with my cousin, Shannon.
Don't know if I'm ready for all the emotions that go along with Felicity, but it should be fun.
Tomorrow, our friends Jeff and Tracy are having a barbecue for Jeff's birthday. Last year Jeff decided it would be an Adam and Eve theme party, and ended up walking around in only a fig leaf. Classy. Nobody else participated in his last minute thrown-together theme party...Jeff's the most random person I know.
Sunday is pool day at my Uncle Joey's house. I'm always up for pool day.
And the doctor put me on the best pain killers ever for my back. So things are good today.